After connecting on Collabosaurus, the agency representing Cork & Canvas, Maven PR, connected with ice cream legends N2 Gelato. After conversations were had, both brands decided to create an experiential themed event for a Cork & Canvas class in Sydney. The theme was 'Paint a Sundae on Sunday' and offered customers free champagne flavoured gelato. Leveraged through clever cross promotion on both brands social media channels & email database, this campaign was a great success in driving sales, engaging audiences, improving customer experience, brand alignment and boosting social media engagement.
There are a number of reasons that this campaign hit the mark, one of the most important being; it was an experiential collaboration.
There's something about communities getting to experience a brand 'in the flesh' through social activities and in this case, ice cream! This feeling and shared experience is hard to beat when it comes to collaborations! It's an awesome leverage point when your customers create and share their own content of their experience with your brands as well.
To make the most out of their collaboration, these brands committed to advertising the class & free ice cream through one another's channels and databases. In order to do this, they promoted the giveaway through each other's email databases, websites, Pinterest, Instagram & Facebook and PR was also involved.
Off-shooting impacts from this collaboration include positioning, where brand awareness was built in alignment with a likeminded partner of similar size.
HERE is a cool video of the Cork & Canvas team 'painting a sundae on a Sunday!'
Both Cork & Canvas and N2 Gelato achieved the below from their joint experiential collaboration;
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