After connecting through Collabosaurus, MiGoals and Tropeaka teamed up on a two part collaboration: a gift-with -purchase on both sides & a social media competition! Leveraged through clever cross-promotion on both MiGoals & Tropeaka's social media & website, this campaign was a great success in engaging audiences, boosting social media engagement & driving sales
There are a number of reasons that this campaign hit the mark, one of the most important being: leverage.
Not only was this a gift-with-purchase activity (where there was a bonus gift from MiGoals on Tropeaka's site & vice versa), but these brands thought 'how else can I amplify this collaboration for more results?' Leading to promotions across email databases, websites, Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook & sponsored advertising.
Offshooting impacts from this collaboration include positioning, where brand awareness was built in alignment with a likeminded partner of similar size.
We loved the mindfulness theme that linked these brands together so naturally - a win/win!
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