After connecting on Collabosaurus, ethical t-shirt company Bon Label went ahead and created a joint social media giveaway with health-elixir The Base Body Co. Leveraged through clever cross promotion on The Base Body Co's and Bon Label's social media channels & email database, this campaign was a great success in engaging audiences, boosting social media engagement & driving sales.
There are a number of reasons that this campaign hit the mark, one of the most important being: reach
These slightly smaller boutique brands, wanted to make the most out of their product giveaway and therefore, wanted to double or triple their reach through one another's channels and databases. In order to this, they promoted the giveaway through each other's email databases, websites, Pinterest, Instagram & Facebook.
Off-shooting impacts from this collaboration include positioning, where brand awareness was built in alignment with a likeminded partner of similar size.
We loved the mindfulness & ethical themes that linked these brands together so naturally - a win/win!
Both Bon Label and The Base Body Co achieved the below from their joint giveaway (which in hindsight is a super effective and EASY way to get the ball rollings with collaborations):
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